The Foundation Trustees
Lars Schmidt
Harzwasserwerke GmbH | Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Marcel Riethig
District Administration Göttingen | Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Alexander Saipa
District Administrator Goslar
Patrick Schmidt
Mayor Community Bad Grund
Urte Schwerdtner
Mayor of the City of Goslar
Dr. Christina Krafczyk
President of the Lower Saxony State Office for the Preservation of Monuments
Ralf Krüger
Head of the Lower Saxony Forrst Office in Clausthal
Wolfgang Langer
Mayor of the City of Braunlage
May-Britt Pürschel
Head of the tourism and creative industries department, Lower Saxony Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitization
Petra Emmerich-Kopatsch
Mayor of the Mountain- and University City of Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Felix Hofmann
FD Lower Saxony Ministery for Food, agriculture and Consumer protection
Dr. Jobst Graf von Wintzingerode
Head of the Monument Preservation and Protection of Cultural Assets Department, Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture
Ulrich Markurth
Retired Mayor of Brunswick
For all visitor questions please contact the respective World Heritage museum or facility directly. You can find the contact details on the page for the respective location. For all other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the foundation.
Stiftung UNESCO-Welterbe im Harz
Bergtal 19
38640 Goslar
Tel: 05321-750114
Fax: 05321-750130